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Dream Big

Dream big they say…

Are you the type of person who has BIG dreams or NO dreams at all? Two things I have learned while doing doTERRA is that all the successful people have a “why” and a “dream”. I have neither or at least I thought so. So let’s talk about dreams…we will leave the why for another day.

For my adult life I feel as though I am the NO dream girl or at least I was. I didn’t allow myself to dream bigger than what I thought might be remotely possible in my adult life. To me a dream was just a goal and why set goals so high you fail or feel like you did, or just so crazy it can never be reached. Weren’t dreams  just like when you were a kid and playing “make believe” with your friends. You don’t do that as an adult, who has time for that?

When I was young I had dreams. I dreamt of leaving Connecticut, at one point I wanted to be a ballerina or a Rockette (then I was to short…there went that dream), then I wanted to be a truck driver (just like my daddy), I wanted a horse with a farm, I wanted a family and 6 kids (like my grandma-than changed after I had a couple). Then life happens, things take a different turn and I stopped dreaming BIG. No I stopped dreaming altogether for myself. My dreams became dreams for other people, the little humans in my life. I dreamt they would be happy, healthy, successful, and kind…the things all moms want for their kids. Now those little humans are all young adults and while I still have those hopes and dreams for them, I realize that they don’t need me as much anymore. I have time to dream for myself and my future as so much potential. The road is wide open and I can dream the dream as big as I want for me and my husband.

The thing with dreams is that you can make them as big or as small as you want, fulfill them as quickly or slowly as you want…it’s your dream! It is ok for them to change. It is ok for you to have the same dream as your partner and to have different ones as well.

So over the last few months and even more so the last couple weeks as we came into the new year I have been trying to get myself into a new mindset. With that new mindset comes letting myself dream again. Reinforcing myself to know that dreaming is not setting you up to fail if it doesn’t ever come to anything. It’s ok to go BIG! Bigger than you ever thought. Its ok for it to change over time. So I am putting that little girl dream back on the table!  I opened my heart back up to feel something that has been so buried, so deep down that it felt good to let it back out. Really really good!

I know that I may never have the land to have my own horse in my front yard and to be able to watch it live so freely from my porch swing while drinking sweet tea but, I might.  In the meantime I can volunteer and love them, I can become a voice for them, a barn buddy or a sponsor of a horse and hell, one day I can even own one that I stable somewhere else. The options are endless and the dream is real and its big!


Love, Health, & BIG DREAMS



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